Know your meme love nectar
Know your meme love nectar

"Barnacles" and "fishpaste" are used for similar effect. "Tartar sauce!" Explanation Family-friendly blasphemy commonly used outside of the show.This phrase has often been used in relation to him. Explanation Fans have noticed that a blue fish named Harold appears to be starting something in some of his notable appearances, including rallying people to beat up an old man on two separate occasions in the episode "The Bully", and arguing and getting into a fight with Mr. Stop hating on Pearl! Explanation Usually used when Pearl from Steven Universe does something wrong, setting up a Bait-and-Switch.The link takes you to the moment in question.

#Know your meme love nectar series

Squidward! Explanation Originates from a bizarre fan-made commercial for SpongeBob cereal, the first in a series of fake commercials for SpongeBob products. It proved so popular with the subscribers that it became its own subreddit not even a day later.

  • r/bikinibottomtwitter Explanation On April 1, the subreddit r/blackpeopletwitter morphed into Bikini Bottom Twitter.
  • Bubble Bass is a common subject, oddly enough. A common response is to feign being turned on or attracted to said characters.
  • "Thicc" SpongeBob characters Explanation Screenshots and compilations of several characters' massive buttcheeks.
  • portrayed by SpongeBob Explanation A video variation of the meme, where various things are depicted by clips of the show.
  • Historical events portrayed by SpongeBob Explanation A variant popularized by history buffs, which reference a historical event (often with "colorized" added), then depicting it with a screenshot.
  • SpongeBob Comparison Charts Explanation Depicting various media through SpongeBob screenshots, often for humor.
  • know your meme love nectar

    Cast members were eventually discouraged from doing so after the meme took off, as it attracted unwanted attention.

  • Dabbing Squidward / "Dabward" Explanation In early January 2016, a Vine where the Squidward mascot at Universal Studios decided to do a dab during the character parade became wildly popular.
  • Explanation Videos where SpongeBob characters are lipsynced to popular songs.
  • "SpongeBob Sings." videos are exceedingly common on YouTube.
  • EVIL PATRIXXX Explanation A hyperrealistic version of Patrick, is used as a running gag at the Trollpasta Wiki.
  • Some versions of the meme take the joke further by having an inappropriately-timed SpongeBob ad pop up during a scene from a work of fiction that doesn't belong to Viacom, let alone Nickelodeon.

    know your meme love nectar

    The fact that the banner turned up while Korra was in danger of falling to her death has caused a trend of people posting images of Nickelodeon shows being interrupted during serious or tragic scenes by banners for SpongeBob SquarePants where SpongeBob appears to be laughing at the misfortunes of the characters from the presently playing Nickelodeon show. Explanation A banner of SpongeBob laughing once showed up during the airing of an episode of The Legend of Korra. Explanation Editing the "you're already dead" meme from Fist of the North Star with SpongeBob replacing Kenshiro. This soundbite is commonly used in remixes. Both the figure and the board game in the video are from the SpongeBob edition of Game of Life. Krabs! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Explanation A meme in which someone flips a Mr. Spengbab Explanation A term used for intentionally grotesque redesigns of the cast.

    know your meme love nectar

    This disappeared when the site gained automatic copyright checks, but is still used in YouTube Poop as a tradition.

    know your meme love nectar

    Spingebill Explanation When sharing episode clips on YouTube, substituting "SpongeBob" for "Spingebill" was used frequently to avoid copyright strikes.2016 is the Year of SpongeBob Memes Explanation It's called that because several popular memes, including Primitive Sponge and Squidward dabbing, were created that year.long conversations, global lockdowns, playing games instead of sleeping/ working). Used as a reaction image online in response to a situation that takes ages (i.e. X Hours Later Explanation Some episodes have time cards to show the characters exclaiming to do something, and a time card pops up to fill in the passage of time, often with a deadpan French-accented announcer saying the seconds/minutes/hours/days/inches/eternity/hiring a new narrator etc.It has since been used as a Stock Scream in various Internet videos. "MY LEG!" Explanation A Stock Scream often uttered by Fred, a recurring background character.Being a catchphrase, it was naturally parroted and parodied many times. "I'm ready!" Explanation SpongeBob's catchphrase.Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Sponge! Bob! Square! Pants! Explanation The theme song became quickly popular around the internet, with plenty of variations either messing with the lyrics or just using it as a cutaway gag.

    Know your meme love nectar